If you need to place a new order for plano convex lens , and have paid a high price in the past, you may be looking for a new manufacturer to order from. If this sounds like you, it may also be time for you to move away from ordering from American companies and look to China, Thailand or Malaysia instead. Why choose Asian companies? -- Some of the top lens manufacturers in the world are based in China, Thailand and Malaysia. They manufacture their plano convex lens, and other lenses, to international specifications and in factories that are high-tech and operating with some of the best equipment you can buy. They can, thus, manufacture the highest quality plano convex lens you have ever bought, but can do so at a low price you have never paid before. How to find the best Asian companies? -- Do a search for online reviews written by people who have bought plano convex lenses from an Asian company, and see what they say. Make a note of an...